Feature Selection in Weka - Explorer - v3.7.2 ----------------- RSAR selected - Cookie, URL = 0.167. InfoGain selected - Cookie = 0.996 - Index = 0.295 - Payload = 0.138 - URL = 0.126 Consistency selected - Cookie = 100% Cookie contains only JSSession= and is not an attribute upon which to predict new attacks. Index is likely to be useful only because the "anom" objects never have a value above 25064. "norm" objects can have 35999. 35999-25064=10935, 10935/35999=0.303758; showing that the 0.295 is *likely* to be discerning most of the 0.303 difference (between the labelled objects of norm and anom). URL (0.126) and Payload (0.138) are interesting; however, according to the above results, neither will discern much more than (0.126+0.138=0.264) a quarter of anomalous inputs.